Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Morality of Euthanasia Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Morality of Euthanasia - Case Study ExampleShe now lies in her ICU recognize surviving the travails of her illness with the hospitals modern aliveness support mechanisms.Both the physician and the priest knew that very before long their Mom will inevitably leave them. Meanwhile, the enormous hospital bills and other medical expenses are clear being shouldered by the elder one, but with much difficulty as he has phoebe bird children enrolled in the university and his wife is likewise sickly and could no continuing work. The physician, an agnostic and a non-believer in each type of faith or religion, and who does not have any moral scruples, tells his younger brother, the priest, that perhaps it is completely realistic and it is also high time that they accept the fact that it was needless for their Mom to be in the expensive care of the ICU. Even whilst she is able to survive, it appears that with the other health complications, their Mom would most likely pebibyte a veg etable life afterwards. The doctor also tells his brother that he tushno longer afford to continue supporting their Mom and that for all practical purposes it is perhaps timely to give her the stay on that she finally needs. The priest in a most calm spirit, reacts by way ofdirectly enquire his elder brother if what he meant was using euthanasia to end the sufferings of ... When the elder brother silently nodded yes, nigh little tears started to fall on both their saddened faces.From all vantage points of view, it would seem that it was the most practical thing that could be done for someone so dearly loved to end all fleshly pain. However, the priest reflecting on such an inhumane and morally unacceptable act tells his brother that in the platter he often reads To Live in Jesus Christ, it is extensively discussed that under the doctrines of the Church, the Ten Commandments most specifically, it is so provided in the 5th commandment that Thou shalt not kill (Santos 143), and t o seat such an act is to commit a mortal sin. This book further discusses that Human life is sacred, (explains the Catechism of the Catholic Church), because from its beginning it involves the creative feat of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God but is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end no one can under any consideration claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being (144). Hence, the priest tells his brother that it is for him a condemnable and unthinkable act.The physician, basically an unbeliever, reasons that the treatment and the preservation of life is imperative only if the quality of life can be sustained. However, if for medical reasons, it is taken as a given that a patient can no longer continue to live a normal life, despite all the

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