Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Look At Savage Garden :: essays research papers

Savage Garden is an Australian duo formed in 1994 by Daniel Jones andDarren Hayes. Daniel Jones, born on July 22, 1973 in Essex England movedto Brisbane, Australia as a young child, he plays keyboard, guitar,programming and sings back up. Darren came from a long line of musicians,so his love for music started when he was very young. When he was little, hisbrother had a drum set and when he went pop, Daniel would sneak into hisroom and play then, he took cushy lessons when he was seven. By the age often, he was contend the keyboard and drums in pubs and hotels. Danielsmusical influences were, Peter Gabriel, XTC, and Tears For Fears. Darrenwas born May 8, 1972 in Brisbane, he is both(prenominal) the lead and back up singers.At a young age, he began showing alot of intrest of getting into entertainmentby singing and acting around the class which led him to act in many schoolplays when he got into high school. After high school, Darren attendedcollege, to study journalsim, Drama an d education. His influences include,Prince, The Smiths, Fleetwood Mac, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, and DuranDuran. Both the guys are songwriters. Daniel was playing with another bandcalled Red Edge, when he put an ad in a Brisbane music paper for a leadvocalist, Darren was studying to be a teacher when he decided he wanted toget into the music scene, he saw Daniels ad and responded, We clickedimeadeatly(Darren Hayes, SavageGarden biography) Darren joined the bandand in 1994, He and Daniel decided they were tired of playing other peoplesmusic so they left the band and devoted their time to writing and the band,Crush was formed. Darren and Daniel before long found out another Australianband also had that name so, they bought the name from them but, then theyfound another English band called Crush so they decided to call the bandSavage Garden which was thought of by Darren, it was from an Anne Ricenovel where she describes the world as two levels, one as a very beautifulplace but,in the other, underneath, were all savage beasts(The conception ofsavage garden) in the other,Darren and Daniel so fired by self assurance, sentout over 150 demo shows to record companies and management all overAustralia. One by one they got rejected until John Woodruff heard their tapeand thought they had a chance, he immediately flew to Brisbane to sign themto JWM, his record company. Their first self titled album was recorded in

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